
Kayak rental

Agger is located in a scenic area with water on all sides.

You have the option of going out on your own, or you can order a trained instructor.
Instructors must always be booked in advance.

The kayaks and equipment can be found at the address Gyvelvej 1 - Agger

In areas find 3 tours (either on your own or with an instructor)

  • The river (beginner)
  • Agger Tange route (easily practiced)
  • Krik Vig route (practiced)

For larger groups: Call and get an offer.

  • You are welcome to contact us on +45 9383 3031 or email:  post@aggerbooking.dk if you have any questions or similar.
  • Read the rental conditions here .


Try your hand at kayaking.

Get an unforgettable nature experience on the water

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